agil, Agilität, Sichtart

One of my older friends Mina is over 70 – although she is much younger. Young in the sense of thoughtfully flexible, mobile, adaptable, changeable.

Even 20 years ago she said to me: “There are young old and old boy”. At the same time, she always smiled and you could see her spirit jumping through the room. Mina is clearly a “young woman”. She has life experience, is versatile, open and humorous. Also, she has crises and knows what it means to start again when something is over. They are familiar with uncertain future phases and experiment. Mina is communicative and does not shy away from an argument.

One can be of different opinion – it would be much too boring and too little stimulating.

The circle of friends is a multitude of cobbled people from all over the world. She needs differences, other perspectives and cross-thinking around her. Internally, it is not only mobile but also stable at the same time. Stable in the sense of “know who it is”, with a perceptible personality strength, an inner peace and serenity and a concentrated, meaningful life orientation … whatever may come. Mina is agile. This will not happen overnight. Just as you can not begin with 70, fit for age and become mobile. You know that already ….

This is also the case with people in agile organizations, in agile environments. They, too, must be mobile, changeable and critical, react quickly and remain calm, try out, develop new, act in the unpredictability. All the qualities to go successfully into the future. Regardless of age. Some people can do this easily, others have to step by step on the way and, despite their modesty in and around them, simply stay away.

Agil –  What is it really?

agile, agilität, sichtart

“The concept of agility involves short, straightforward planning and implementation cycles with “prototyping “, so that immediate adaptation to changed conditions is possible (” inspect and adapt “). Errors are visible at an early stage and can be corrected in the early stages, priorities are regularly queried and reoriented. Agility stands for iterative approach, lateral leadership, interdisciplinary and cross-functional teamwork as well as organized self-responsibility”.

Definition from the blog article:

by Elisabeth Sechser