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reflect & act

We are an international network of independent entrepreneurs in the fields of organizational development, business coaching, education, human resources management, IT, business psychology and sales.

Vienna, Zurich, Frankfurt, Prague and Bratislava | German – English – Slovakian – Czech

Change as an opportunity to create space for reflection, activate co-creative potential, shaping the future together.

Agile for the future – competent in reflection, secure in action, competitive and marketable.

Create space for reflection

The new world of work (work 4.0) requires an in-depth exploration of our own DNA – as a person, as a team and as an organization. Creating a clear alignment and letting go of the old ways of thinking and behaving are essential prerequisites for responding flexibly and dynamically to constantly changing work and life conditions. We open up and create space for reflection and thus enable new qualities for action to emerge. Reflective people are more effective and have more sound decision making skills.

If you want to discover unused potentials and get inspired, we will accompany you outside the comfort zone. This allows you to recognize new horizons and opportunities in order to work out how you can be in your power in a meaningful, effective and responsible way.

Our focus

  • Conduct development-oriented leadership and team reflections
  • Enhance reflection competence at the individual and organizational level
  • Enable life-cycle-oriented personnel development concepts to maintain workability and labour market capacity

Shape the future

The ability to learn from experience, deal with complexity and adapt flexibly to new conditions is based on a profound understanding of the essentials. Discover the potential in the next meaningful step and move agilely with the rhythm of time.

New Work – the workplace of the future. With new approaches we accompany and support you to prepare your employees of today for the requirements of tomorrow. Changes in structure and mind set are key factors to remain sustainable.

Our focus

  • Designing development processes for agile and effective leadership
  • Support internal change processes for a future cooperative culture
  • Promoting self-responsibility, proactive action and agility in the organization

Go together beyond the edge of development

When people cross borders within organizations new possibilities and ways of working evolve. Innovation and development can take place in a new dimension and trigger fundamental transformation processes.

Focusing on a common goal or a unifying vision brings together existing forces. Presence in dialogue and appreciation of diversity creates trust and thus forms the basis for the activation of co-creative potential between people.

Our focus

  • Developing meaningful visions as the basis for future-oriented transformation processes
  • Designing co-creative learning and working forms for innovation and trust
  • Enabling continuous self-renewal through reflection, networking and learning experimentation

You benefit from the synergy of knowledge and experience from across different industries and functions.

Meet us